anguished breath, the air in your lungs just entered oppressed by stress. He made a painful effort to fill them. His forehead was damp shed at regular intervals, small drops and cold on his legs that touched trembling, knee to knee support. Clenched hands will seize on an old garment red lips babbling unintelligible and inaudible prayers. Staring at the scene before him, was displayed cruel. The result of it not be indifferent, he thought that, whatever the outcome, and would never be the same. Every now and narrowed eyes, imagining, perhaps, than to open them all would have concluded that the intense suffering, to be nailed as a sharp stick in the bottom of his soul, would cease. He prayed to God, the Virgin, swore endless promises, promised to be kinder, more generous, even faithful. Non-compliant, and fearful that his pleas were in vain, pleaded with pagan gods and even to think of diabolical pacts, the more you fear dissipated these stupid ideas. The outcome was delayed, and tired of the painful tension that each of their cramped muscles, closed his eyes with the intention not to open until everything is completed. In the dark interior felt only the hectic pace of your breathing and the dull tapped his bony knees. A vague intuition was to stop breathing and remained motionless for a few seconds. The air was stirred moved by the sound coming from next door and came in through the windows. A faint rumble membranes tickled his ears. Yes, I could sense something had happened, the sentence was handed down. The rumor was thunder, the cry flooded room.
Jorge smiled, exhaled breath content, slowly opened his eyes and saw on the TV screen what their ears had anticipated. Tuzzio he ran against exorbitant, shouting the goal, his goal, with which the Independent won, after many years, another international title. Fernando and did not scream, just leaned back in his chair while retrieving the comfort of your breath, smiled and felt relieved to which of the saints and gods invoked was in debt.
The descenlace by Fernando Murano is under License Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 .
Based on a play in fernandomurano.blogspot.com .
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