Human Rights and on the field
Neuquén announced today the death of Carlos Fuentealba, a chemistry professor. The teacher had been shot earlier that day, when a police officer shot two yards from his head a tear gas grenade through the rear windshield of the car he was traveling. He was one of many protesters repressed in the protests of teachers that have been taking place in Neuquén, Salta (here at the hands of the Prefecture, under the PEN) and Santa Cruz. These protests are part of the claim by the rise in basic pay that support unions in other provinces (Formosa, Tierra del Fuego, Santa Fe)
The suppression order was based on the conduct of the province of Neuquen, in the hands of frustrated presidential candidate Jorge Sobisch. The ever-violent and fascist forces of "order" did the rest.
The national government has already begun to distance himself from his responsibilities under the pretext that they were not responsible the actions of provincial security. But it is clear to anyone that these events are not far from the official ideal of "human rights." Based on data CORREPI, the Kirchner government has massacred half a day since he took office and also has the largest number of political prisoners in recent years. These indicators are not accidental: we are talking about the regime that militarized the town of Las Heras, who still holds prisoners charged under false accusation by the fire in Haedo, who suppressed the protests of workers in the subway, do not hesitate to criminalize any expression non-official, either from the government agencies (Police, Army, PNA SIDE etc.), the means of "communication", the judicial and legislative powers, the regional political pointers or "social organizations" that act as shock troops vigilante.
Arguably kirchnerismo strategy is to hit and then go to take the glory or wash their hands, depending on the acceptance that the agency has violated the public. In this process, your intention is to contain any form of immediate resistance, as well as deter future long-term social oppositions. Meanwhile, the other corporations in power can not be free to proclaim sin.
The Church, always with its surface calls for peace, is the quintessential conservative institution, over time their responsibility in the various anti-violent and is more than proven popular and, in the case of protest teacher re-stained history: the death of the teacher criticized and, of course, called for protesters to seek methods of protest that were less violent. Because at the end of the day, marching become responsible for his own repression.
Large unionists are mostly co-opted by the government and employers, because the power you should have allies to slow down the claims of their bases. After the repression in Neuquén and Salta, the CTA and confirmed CTERA take as much a general strike in their activities during the day Monday. But who is behind this move? Hugo Yasky, Kirchner bureaucrat leading union federations and drained both as to wash the sins of the Kirchner. Because if Yasky and company are coming to SuperK and his followers [1] , if that particular actions or awareness should be just enough to ask. Who to Yasky? Do yourself? No. It is a strike to be well with the public. Remember that your union bureaucrats, to intercede in the economic conflict mediation teacher / governor, lowered wanted bases its claims to a "reasonable minimum"
Not to mention the CGT, which in the form of mourning called for a strike on Monday from 12:00 pm. A 13:00.!
The other political parties (although staff time would be more appropriate to speak of other political figures) also have their faults. For starters, the self-styled center-right has liability if Sobisch direct and indirect interest in both its allies are Macri and López Murphy. However, repression should not be limited to the slaughter of Fuentealba: no examples are needed to remember that these leaders have consistently shown a penchant for tough, order and taking measures against "security." They are causes of the climate of anti-protest violence.
Blumberg, the other partner, is one of the main references of the use of force. Not only his urge those taking action against protesters, but their laws have allowed early apres 62,500 people, mostly low income. This focus of violence against the popular classes is not only written by Blumberg and the group of dinosaurs fascistoiodes around him. PJ also has generally supported its initiatives, and from people like Ruckauf or Kirchner, and from the efforts of presidents and governors, as Duhalde. And speaking of Duahlde, guilty of the slaughter of political expadrino Puente Avellaneda and the K, ministers have been able to politically oriented. Stand Roberto Lavagna (Minister of Economy Duahalde and Kirchner, an ally today with the UCR and outs of the center-sectors, such as De Narváez) and Anibal Fernandez (former Minister of Labor Ruckauf in Buenos Aires Province, former Secretary General the President Duhalde, the current Minister of Interior de Kirchner), the main accused in the criminal acts of June 2002 and author of the phrase "the protesters have to go."
Needless to say that other "alternative politics" of weight close links between the above, becoming responsible by act or omission of the general climate of violence to the protests that led to specific events as the events of Holy Week.
Regarding the role of the media (mis) information, yet another time promise to track about their political leanings, but for now you can see an attempt to depersonalize the repression. For Clarin, or tufts owners say the wounded teacher died, but not explicit who was responsible or who should bear the responsibility. In The Nation, the event and is presented as a Tragic Protest, returning to the traditional definition of tragedy, this is a pathetic fact which is a divine retribution, a punishment excessive. That is, you know what happened, why it happened (in a negative view, there would be no repression, but fighting), not who did it. Página/12, meanwhile, accompanies all the responsibility to Sobisch opponent, and atone for the sins of their leaders K.
A 10-year crime Teresa Rodriguez, we find the same bloody picture. Those who decide to take to the streets and demonstrate for their part are demonized by the powerful and, when this is not enough, pressed violently. This action occurs constantly in response to every movement and every attempt at mobilization. The criminalization of protest is primarily a deterrent to future, because it creates a static social conscience and uncritical.
Then, the same lethargy that encourage the masses that major corporations are political, economic and media. They are opportunists to the bloody facts of the situation put the best face Telenoche style. The only way not to fall into hypocrisy is being consistent from day to day, outraged by the death of Fuentealba today must involve another outrage. Chronic indignation to see that every day the streets are closed and when we try to recover we respond with violence, then lay flowers in our tombstones.
[1] may be better in reverse: SuperK and his henchmen have arrived in Yasky.
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