The color of the sky fell and fierce Bernardo HP Lovecraft tale West of Arkham the hills rise up jungle, and there are valleys with deep woods in which there has never resonated the sound of an ax. There are dark narrow glens where the trees bend fantastically, and where it runs close streams that have never caught the reflection of sunlight. On the slopes are less rough farmhouses, ancient and rocky, with buildings covered with moss, chewing ever into the mysteries of New England, but all of them are now empty, with open fires, crumbling walls and ceilings bulging under the Dutch.
Its ancient inhabitants left, and foreigners do not like living there. The French Canadians have tried it, Italians have tried, and Poles arrived and left. And this is not due to anything that could be heard, or seen, or touched, but because of something purely imaginary. The place is not good for imagination, and provides no soothing dream at night. This must be what keeps foreigners out of place, as the old Ammi Pierce has never told them what he remembers of the strange days. Ammi, whose head has been a bit unbalanced for years, is the only one still there, and the only one who talks about strange days, and dares to do so, because his house is very close to open countryside and surrounding roads Arkham.
At one time there was a road over the hills and through valleys, that ran on my line where there is now a withered erial1, but people stopped using it and opened a new path that took a detour to the south . Between the wildness of the heath can still be found traces of the old road, though the weed has invaded everything. Then the dark forests are cleared and the heath dies on the shores of a blue waters whose surface reflects the sky and the sun shines. And the secrets of the strange days blend into the secrets of the deep hidden fuse with the erudition of old ocean, and yet the mystery of the primitive earth.
When I got to the hills and valleys to narrow the grounds for the new pool, I said the place was haunted. This I was told in Arkham, and because this is a very old town full of legends of witches, I thought I should be haunted by something that the grandmothers had whispered to the children through the centuries. The name "blighted wasteland" seemed very strange and theater, and I wondered how it would become part of the Puritan traditions of a people. Then I saw with my own eyes those canyons and hillsides, and I am not surprised that they were surrounded by a legend of mystery. I saw them in the morning, but nevertheless were plunged into darkness. The trees grew close together, and their trunks were too large in the case of trees of New England. In the dark avenues of the forest was too silent, and the ground was too soft on the damp moss and the remains of infinite years of decay.
In open areas, mainly along the line of old road had small farmhouses, sometimes, with any buildings standing, sometimes with only a couple of them, sometimes with a fireplace or a solitary ruined warehouse. Weeds reigned everywhere, and loved whispered furtive underground. Above all things weighed a rare oppression, a grotesque touch of unreality, as if they fail a vital element of perspective or chiaroscuro. I was strange that foreigners want to stay there because this was not a region to invite to sleep on it. His appearance too reminiscent of a region extracted from a horror story.
But none of what he had seen could be compared, as far as desolation concerned, with the withered heath. He was in the bottom of a spacious valley, no other name could more properly apply to it, or anything else so perfectly suited to a name. It was as if the poet had coined the phrase after seeing that region. While watching, I thought it was the result of a fire, but why not nothing ever grew up on those five acres of gray desolation that lay under the sky like a great spot corroded by acid between forest and field? Runs largely north line of the old road, but it invades a bit the other side. As I approached I felt a strange feeling of disgust, and I just decided to do it because my job required me to it. At the wide expanse there was no vegetation of any kind, there was only a thin layer of dust, ash gray, no wind seemed to be able to drag. The nearest trees were stunted and sickly appearance, and many of them appear withered or rotten logs. As he walked hurriedly to my right I saw the crumbling remains of a farmhouse, and the black mouth of an abandoned well whose stagnant fumes took on a strange hue to be bathed in sunlight. The desolate spectacle did not wowed me and of frightened whispers of residents of Arkham. Nearby there was no buildings or ruins of any kind, even in ancient times, the place was no longer lonely and secluded. And at dusk, afraid to go back through that ominous place, I took the road south, even though it meant giving a wide berth.
At night some residents questioned about the withered heath Arkham, and asked what was meant with the phrase "strange days" he had heard whisper coyly. However, I could not get any concrete answers, and the only thing that got clear was that the mystery dating back to a much later date than it had imagined. There was an old legend, much less, but something had happened in life that spoke to me. It happened in the eighties, and a family disappeared or was murdered. The details were somewhat confusing as all those with whom I spoke said they did not lend credence to the fantastic stories of old Ammi Pierce, I went to visit him the next morning, after learning that he lived alone in a ramshackle house that stood in the place where the trees begin to thicken. It was a very old, and had begun to exude the faint smell miasmic that emerges from the houses that have been standing too long. I had to call repeatedly for he would get up, and when he looked timidly at the door I realized I was not happy to see me. Was not as weak as I expected, but his eyes looked lifeless and their tattered clothes and his white beard made him look worn and faded.
Not knowing how to focus the conversation to tell me about their "fantastic stories" I pretended that I had taken up the task there was delivered, she told him about the old Ammi, by asking a few vague questions about the district . Ammi Pierce was a man more cultured and educated than I had implied, and was more comprehensive than any of the men with whom he had spoken in Arkham. It was not like other rustics who had met in the areas where they were to build the pools. Neither objected to the miles of ancient forest and farmland that would disappear under water, but maybe his attitude had been different not having her home outside the boundaries of the future lake. The only thing that showed was relief, relief at the idea that the valleys which had roamed all his life would disappear. Would be better under water ... better under water since the strange days. And in saying this, his hoarse voice was off, as his body leaned forward and finger index of his right hand began to draw in a shaky and impressive.
was when I heard the story, and while the big voice in his story advancing in a kind of mysterious whisper, I shuddered again and again even though we were in summer. I had to interrupt the narrator often to clarify scientific points that he only knew through what he had said a teacher, whose words repeated like a parrot, though his memory had begun to falter, or to build a bridge between data and information when he failed his sense of logic and continuity. When he finished, I was not surprised that his mind was somewhat unbalanced, or that the people of Arkham not like to talk about the withered heath. I hurried back to my hotel before sunset, and he did not want the stars above my head was outdoors. The next day I returned to Boston to give my report. I could not go back to that dark chaos of ancient forests and hillsides, or face again with that gray wasteland where the black hole opened its jaws to the side of the crumbling remains of a farmhouse. The pool would be built immediately, and all those ancient secrets would be buried forever under the deep waters. But I think even when this happen, I like to visit that area at night ... at least not when they shine in the sky, the sinister star.
all began, old Ammi said, with the meteorite. Not previously heard legends of any kind, and even in the remote period of witches Western forests that were not even half feared that the small island of Miskatonic, where the devil gave audiences to the side of a strange altar stone older than the Indians. Those were not enchanted forests, and dark fantasy was never even strangers terrible days. Then had come that Southern white cloud, there was that string of explosions in the air and that column of smoke in the valley. And at night, all Arkham had heard that a large stone had fallen from heaven and was embedded in the ground beside the well of the House of Nahum Gardner. The house had stood in the place now occupied by the withered heath. Nahum
had gone to town to tell what the stone, and passed the house of Ammi Pierce had told him too. At that time Ammi was forty years old, and all the strange events were deeply etched in his brain. Ammi and his wife had accompanied the three professors from Miskatonic University who presented the next morning to see the fantastic visitor came from unknown stellar space, and had wondered what it was that Nahum said, the day before, which was very large. Nahum, pointing to the brown mole that was next to his well, said he had shrunk. But the wise replied that the stones do not shrink. Its heat radiated persistently, and Nahum declared it had shone faintly through the night. Teachers hit the stone with a geologist's hammer and discovered it was surprisingly soft. In fact, it was as soft as if it were artificial, and pulled, rather than mortising, a sample to take to the University to verify its nature. They had to put it in a bucket that borrowed from Nahum, since the small fragment did not lose heat. On their way back they stopped to rest at the home of Ammi, and seemed to remain thoughtful when Mrs. Pierce noted that the fragment was getting smaller and had begun to burn the bottom of the bucket. It really was not very big, but perhaps they had taken a bit less than it had expected.
The following day all this happened in June of 1882 - the teachers were presented again, very excited. Passing the house of Ammi told him what had happened to the show, saying it had disappeared completely when introduced into a glass container. The vessel also had disappeared, and teachers spoke of the strange affinity of the stone with silicone. Reacted in a way that laboratory incredible perfectly ordered, without undergoing any change or expel any gas when heated to coal, showing completely negative when treated with borax and revealing absolutely non-volatile at all temperatures, including oxyhydrogen torch. On the anvil appeared to be very malleable, and in the dark its luminosity was very noticeable. Stubbornly refusing to cool, caused great excitement among the teachers, and when to be heated before the spectroscope showed a bright distinct bands to any known color of normal, there was talk of new elements, rare optical properties, and all those things that intrigued scientists often say when faced with the unknown.
Hot as it was, was tested in a pot with all appropriate reagents. Water did nothing. Or hydrochloric acid. Nitric acid and even aqua regia were limited to slide on its torrid invulnerability. Ammi was found with some difficulty remembering all those things, but recognized some solvents as they are mentioned in the usual order of use: ammonia and caustic soda, alcohol and ether, bisulfite carbon and a dozen more, but, despite the weight would decline over time, and that the piece seemed to cool slightly, the solvents do not show any significant change to show that the substance had been attacked. Since then, it was a metal. He was magnetic in the extreme, and after immersion in acid solvents there seemed to be slight traces of the presence of meteoric iron, according to data Widmanstalten. When the cooling was considerable and placed the fragment in a glass container for continued testing and the next morning, and bowl fragment had disappeared without trace, and only a charred sign on the wooden shelves where they had left had been proved that really there.
This was what the teachers told him Ammi while resting at home, and once again went with them to see the stony messenger from the stars, but this time his wife accompanied him. They found that the stone had actually shrunk, and even the most skeptical of the teachers could doubt what they were seeing. About brownish mass located at the well had an empty space, a space that was two feet less than the previous day. It was still hot, and the sages studied its surface with curiosity while separating other fragment much larger than had been. This time dig deeper into the rock mass, and thus could see that the core was not completely homogeneous.
had exposed what appeared to be the outside of a bead embedded in the substance. The color bands similar to the meteor's strange spectrum, was almost impossible to describe, and only by analogy dared to call color. Its texture was glossy, and it seemed brittle and hollow. One of the teachers tapped the globule with a hammer, and exploded with a slight click. From inside came out of nothing, and vanished globule as if by magic, leaving a spherical space about three inches in diameter, teachers thought it was likely to find other cells as they surround the substance was founded.
The conjecture was wrong, because the researchers were unable to find another globule, although the mass drilled in various places. Therefore, decided to take the new shows they had picked ... whose conduct in the laboratory was as puzzling as its predecessor. Aside from being almost plastic, having heat, magnetism and light luminosity, cooling slightly in powerful acids, lose weight and volume in the air and attack the compound silicone with the result of mutual destruction. The stone had no identifying characteristics, and the end of the tests, scientists at the University were forced to recognize that they could not classify. There was nothing on this planet, but a piece of outer space and as such, was equipped with external properties and obeyed laws unknown foreign and unknown.
That night there was a storm, and when teachers went to the home of Nahum the next day, they found a nasty surprise. The stone, magnetic as it was, must have had some peculiar electrical property because it had "drawn the lightning," as Nahum said, with a singular persistence. In the space of an hour the farmer saw the lightning struck six times the mass which was at the well, and the ending of the storm found that the stone had disappeared. The scientists, deeply disappointed, having found the fact of total disappearance, they decided that the only thing they could do was go back to the lab and continue to analyze the fragment that had been the day before and that as a precaution speak contained in a box lead. The week-long fragment after which had not reached any positive result. The stone disappeared, leaving no residue, and eventually teachers just thought they had actually seen the mysterious remnant of the unfathomable depths outside, this single, great message from other universes and other realms of matter, energy and organization.
As was logical, Arkham newspapers say much of the incident and sent their reporters to interview Nahum and his family. A Boston newspaper also sent a journalist, and Nahum quickly became a local celebrity of sorts. It was a thin man in his fifties, who lived with his wife and three children of a product of what grew in the valley. He and Ammi became frequent visits, as well as their wives, and only Ammi had words of praise for him after all these years. He seemed proud of the attention he attracted the place, and in the weeks that followed his appearance and disappearance spoke often of the meteorite. The months of July and August were warm, and Nahum worked hard in their fields, and agricultural work tired him more than he had exhausted other years, so it came to the conclusion that the years had begun to weigh.
Then came the time of harvest. V pears apples slowly ripened, and Nahum assured that their gardens had a more flourishing than ever. The fruit grew to a size and brightness great murmured, and his wealth was such that Nahum had to buy a few barrels in order to pack the future harvest. But with maturity came a nasty surprise, as any presence opulent fruit that was inedible. Instead of the delicate flavor of pears and apples, the fruit had an overwhelming bitterness. The same happened with melons and tomatoes, and Nahum sadly saw how they lost their entire crop. Seeking an explanation for that fact, soon to declare that the meteorite had poisoned the soil, and gave thanks to heaven because most of the other crops were in the highlands to along the road.
Winter came very early and was very cold. Ammi saw Nahum less frequently than usual, and noted that it began to look worried. Also the rest of the family had taken a morosely, and were spaced visits to the church and its assistance to various social events in the region. Could not find any reason for that reserve or melancholy, but all the inhabitants of the house showed signs from time to time of a worsening state of physical and mental health. This became more evident when Nahum himself said he was concerned about certain footprints he had seen in the snow. It was the usual winter prints of red squirrels, the white rabbits and foxes, but the brooding farmer said he found something odd about the nature and disposition of those tracks. It was more explicit, but seemed to believe that it was characteristic of the anatomy and habits of squirrels and rabbits and foxes. Ammi did little if anything to a night spent in front of the house of Nahum in his sleigh, on his way back from Clark's Corners. In the sky the moon shone, and a rabbit ran across the road, and the rabbit jumps that were longer than they would have liked to Ammi and his horse. The latter, in fact, had runaway if your owner had not wielded the reins with a firm hand. Since then, Ammi showed greater respect for the stories he told Nahum, and wondered why dogs Gardner seemed so scared and trembling every Marian. They had even lost the courage to bark.
In February the boys McGregor, Meadow Hill, went to hunt marmots, and not far from the lands of Gardner captured a very good sample. The proportions of his body appeared slightly altered in a very rare, impossible to describe, while his face was that nobody had seen on the face of a groundhog. The kids were really frightened animal and pulled immediately, so that the region only the grotesque story circulated that the same guys told. But this, coupled with the history of the rabbit that frightened the horses near the house of Nahum, led to it began to take shape a legend, whispered softly.
People claimed that the snow had melted much more quickly around the home of Nahum than elsewhere, since the beginning of March there was a lively discussion in the tent of Potter, Clark's Corners. Stephen Rice had passed Gardner lands early in the morning and had noticed that the grass began to grow skunk across the muddy ground. Until then there had been foul-smelling grass of that size, and color was so rare that it could not be described in words. Their shapes were monstrous, and the horse had neighed plaintively in the presence of a stench that also wounded Stephen smell unpleasantly. That afternoon, several people came to see with their own eyes that anomaly, and all agreed that plants of that class could not sprout in a healthy world. It is mentioned again the bitter fruits of the previous autumn, and passed from mouth to mouth that lands were poisoned Nahum. Since then, it was the meteorite, and recalling the strange to them men like the University, several farmers spoke of the matter with them.
One day, made a visit to Nahum, but as it was men who do not easily lend credit to the legends, their conclusions were very conservative. The plants were rare, of course, but the whole stinking grass is more or less rare in form and color. Maybe some mineral element meteor had entered the land, but would soon disappear. And as for the footprints in the snow and the frightened horses ... this was only gossip without foundation, who were born as a result of the fall of the meteorite. But no serious men could take into account the talk of the peasants and farmers say the superstitious and believe anything. That was the verdict of the teachers about the strange days. Only one of them, responsible for analyzing two phials of dust in the course of a police investigation, year and a half later, recalled that the strange color of the herb skunk was very similar to the unusual band of light that revealed the fragment meteor spectroscopy of the University, and they found blood cell inside the stone. In the above analysis that the teacher brought out the first samples revealed the same unusual bands, although more later lost the property.
trees bloomed prematurely around the house Nahum, and at night the wind swayed ominously. Nahum's second son, Thaddeus, a lad of fifteen, swore that the trees swayed also when there was no wind, but even the most talkative lent credence to this. Since then, the atmosphere was something wrong. The entire Gardner family developed the habit of sit and listen, but do not expect to hear any sound which could be named. Listening was actually the result of moments when consciousness seemed to have vanished in them. Unfortunately, these moments were more frequent as the weeks passed, until people began to murmur that the whole family Nahum was sick in the head. When the first saxífraga2, his color was also very strange, not quite equal to the skunk weed, but undoubtedly also related to him and unknown to anyone who saw it. Nahum took some buds and took them to Arkham to teach to the editor of the Gazette, but that dignitary just wrote a humorous article about them, ridiculing the fears and superstitions of the peasants. Nahum was a mistake to tell a citizen's conduct stolid watching butterflies, also in large- relation to those saxifrage.
April brought a kind of madness to the people of the region and began to stop using the road passing through the grounds of Nahum, to give it up. It was the vegetation. The seedlings of the trees had some strange colors, and across the stone floor of the courtyard and the adjacent meadows grew some plants that only a botanist could relate to the flora of the region. But the strangest thing of all was the coloring, which did not correspond to any of the nuances that the human eye had ever seen. Plants and shrubs have become a sinister threat, growing insolent in their chromatic perversion. Ammi and Gardner felt that the colors were for them a kind of eerie familiarity, and concluded that reminded them of the blood cell that had been discovered inside the meteor. Nahum carved and planted ten acres of land he owned in the top, without touching the land surrounding his house. I knew it would work and had lost hope that these strange herbs that were growing rip off all the poison the soil. Now he was ready for anything, it might seem unexpected, and was accustomed to the feeling that there was something about him waiting to be heard. The view that the neighbors did not approach bothered by his house, of course, but further affected his wife. The kids did not notice much because going to school every day, but could not avoid hearing the gossip, which the scary, especially to Thaddeus, who was a very sensitive boy.
insects arrived in May and Gardner's ranch became a nightmare, full of buzz and meanderings. Most of those animals had a strange look and moved in a very rare, and their nocturnal habits contradicted all previous experiences. Gardner acquired the habit of being vigilant during the night. They looked at all directions in search of something ... but could not say why. It was then found that Thaddeus had been right to talk about what happened to the trees. Mrs. Gardner was the first to prove a night that was in the bedroom window watching the silhouette of a maple tree is silhouetted against a moonlit sky. Maple branches were moving and did not run the slightest breath of wind. Sap thing, surely. The strangest things were now normal. However, the next discovery was not the work of any member of the Gardner family. Had become familiar with the abnormal to the point of not realizing many details. And they were not able to see was observed by a traveling salesman from Boston, who spent a night there, ignorant of the legends who ran across the region. What he told in Arkham was featured in a brief article published by the Gazette, and that article was what all farmers, including Nahum, threw the eyes first. The night was dark, but around a farm in the valley, everyone knew it was the farm of Nahum, the darkness had been less intense. A slight but visible phosphorescence seemed to come from all vegetation, and at one time a piece of that phosphorescence sneak around the yard that was near the barn.
grasses appeared to have suffered the effects of this unusual situation, and cows grazing freely near the house, but towards the end of May the milk began to be bad. Nahum then led the cows to graze the uplands and the milk turned to be good. Shortly after the change in the grass and leaves, which until then had remained normally green, could be seen with the naked eye. All vegetables bought a gray and looks brittle. Ammi was now the only person who visited the Gardner, and his visits were spaced closer and closer. When they closed the school, being holiday season, the Gardners were virtually cut off from world, and sometimes ordered from Ammi they do their shopping in town. Physically and mentally growing weaker, and no one was surprised when the news spread that Mrs. Gardner had gone mad.
This happened in June, around the anniversary of the fall of the meteor, and the poor woman began to scream I saw things in the air, things I could not describe. In his madness did not pronounce any name, but only verbs and pronouns. Things are moving, and changing, and fluttered, and ears reacted to impulses that were not entirely sound. Nahum did not send the county insane asylum, but allowed to roam outside the house while harmless to herself and others. When his condition worsened did nothing. But when the boys began to get frightened and Thaddeus nearly fainted at the expression of his mother's face looking at him, Nahum decided to lock her in the attic. In July, Mrs. Gardner stopped talking and began to crawl on all fours, and before the end of the month, Nahum realized that his wife was slightly light in the darkness, as happened with the vegetation around the home.
This happened just before the horses would abscond. Something had awakened during the night, and their neighing and kicking had been something terrible. The next morning, when Nahum opened the stable door, darted animals as soul by the devil. Nahum took a week to locate the four, and when found was forced to kill them because they had gone mad and there was the handler. Nahum borrowed a horse from Ammi to haul hay, but the animal did not approach the barn. Winced, reared up and screamed, and finally had to leave it on the patio, while the men dragged the car to place it next to the barn. Meanwhile, the vegetation was taking gray and brittle. Even the flowers whose colors had been so strange, they became now gray, and gray and dwarf fruit was tasteless. The creosote bush clover and gold and gray were deformed flowers and roses, hollyhocks rascamoños and front yard looked so horrible, that Zenas, the eldest son of Nahum, cut them all. At the same time were dying all insects, including bees that had left their hives.
In September all the vegetation had been shredded, becoming a gray powder, and Nahum feared that the trees die before the poison had vanished from the ground. His wife now had fits of rage, during which he uttered a terrible cry, and Nahum and her children lived in a perpetual state of stress. Not treated as anyone, and when the school reopened its doors to children not attending it. Ammi was in one of his rare visits, who found that well water was not good. He had a devilish pleasure, that was not exactly smelling or exactly brackish, and Ammi advised his friend to dig another well in the highlands to use it again until the soil to be good. However, Nahum made no case that advice, as he had reached waterproofed against things weird and unpleasant. He and his sons continued to use the tainted well water, drinking it with the same indifference with which they ate scarce and poorly cooked food and made their unproductive So monotonous tasks over several days without end. There was something of stolid resignation in all of them, like walking into another world between rows of nameless guards to a familiar place and secure.
Thaddeus went mad in September, after a visit to the well. He had gone there with a bucket and had returned with empty hands, shrugging and waving his arms and muttering something about "moving colors had down there." Two crazy people in a family representing a serious problem, but Nahum behaved bravely. He let the boy move at will during one week, until he began to behave dangerously, and then locked him in the attic in front of the room occupied by his mother. The way we were shouting at each other from behind their closed doors was something terrible, especially for small Merwin, who imagined that his mother and brother spoke at some terrible language that was not of this world. Merwin was becoming a dangerously imaginative little boy, and his condition worsened since he locked up the brother who had been his best playmate.
began about the same time the mortality among cattle. Poultry bought a gray and died quickly. Fattened pigs disorderly, and then began to experience changes disgusting that no one could explain. His flesh was wasted, of course, and Nahum did not know what to think or do. No rural veterinary wanted to come home, and the vet was frankly puzzled Arkham. The thing was all the more inexplicable because those animals had been fed poisoned vegetation. Then came the turn of the cows. Certain areas, and sometimes the entire body, appeared abnormally swollen or compressed, and those symptoms were followed by atrocious collapses or disintegrations. In the later stages, which always ended with the death, took on a grayish color and a crisp, as had happened with the pigs. In the case of cows could not talk of poison, as they were locked in my barn. No wild animal bite, the virus could be inoculated, and there is no land animal can pass through solid obstacles. Disease should be a natural ... but it was impossible to guess what kind of disease produced those terrible results. At harvest time there was no living animal in the house, as livestock and poultry had died and the dogs had escaped. Dogs, three in number, had disappeared one night and not seen again. The five cats had left a little earlier, but his disappearance was hardly noticed, because in the house mice and there was now only Mrs. Gardner felt some affection for the graceful felines.
October 19 Nahum came to the house of Ammi with dire news. Death had surprised the poor Thaddeus in his attic room, and caught in a speech that could not be counted. Nahum had dug a grave in the back of the farm and had gotten what he found there in the room. In the room no one could have entered, since the small barred window and door lock was intact, but what happened had many points of contact with what happened in the barn. Ammi and his wife comforted the troubled farmer as best they could, but failed to prevent shivering. The horror seemed to roam around Gardner and everything they touched, and the mere presence of one of them in the house was like a breath of unnamed and nameless regions. Ammi accompanied Nahum home very reluctantly and did what he could to calm the hysterical sobbing of little Merwin. Zenas not need to be calm. He was in a state of complete stupor and merely stare at an undetermined point of space and obey what his father told. And Ammi thought that this state of apathy was the best I could happen. From time to time Merwin's screams were answered from the attic, and in response to a questioning look Nahum said that his wife was very weak. When night approached, Ammi managed to leave, because no feeling of friendship could make him stay in that place when vegetation began to glow faintly and the trees may or may not move without the wind blowing. It was a real lucky for Ammi that was not an imaginative person. If it was, to have been able to relate and reflect on all the wonders that surrounded him, no doubt that had lost the key. At dusk he returned hastily to his house, feeling resonate terribly in her ears the cries of the insane and the small Merwin.
Nahum Three days later appeared in Ammi's house early in the morning, in the absence of his host told Ms. Pierce a horrible story she heard trembling. This time it was of little Merwin. Had disappeared. Had left the house when it was dark with a lantern and a bucket to fetch water, and had not returned. For days his condition was not normal and is scared of everything. The frantic father heard a scream in the yard, but when he opened the door and looked out the boy had disappeared. There was no sign of him, and nowhere part of the lantern shone had taken. At that time Nahum thought the lantern and pail were gone too, but to be the day, and after returning from his search for the whole night through fields and forests, Nahum had discovered some very strange things about the well: a twisted and semi-molten mass of iron, which was undoubtedly the lantern, and with it a bent handle with another mass of iron, also twisted, semi-molten, corresponding to the cube. That was it. Nahum imagine the unimaginable. Mrs. Pierce was like stunned, and Ammi, when he came home and heard the story, could not give any opinion. Merwin was gone and would be useless to tell people living in those surroundings and Gardner fleeing like the plague. As useless as telling the citizens of Arkham who laughed at everything. Thad was gone, and now had disappeared Merwin. Something was creeping and crawling, waiting to be seen and heard. Nahum would soon die, and wanted Ammi ensure his wife and Zenas, if it survived. All this was a punishment of some sort, although Nahum could not guess what it was, because he had always lived in the fear of God.
For more than two weeks, Ammi had no news of Nahum, and then worried about what might have happened, mastered his fears and made a visit to the home of Gardner. The chimney was no smoke and for a moment the visitor feared the worst. The appearance of the farm was impressive gray grass and leaves on the ground, vines falling to pieces of archaic walls and eaves, and large bare trees silhouetted against the gray sky viciously November. Ammi could not help noticing that talks produced a subtle change in the inclination of the branches. But Nahum was alive, after all. Was very weak and lay on a cot in the kitchen roof, but still retained the clarity and giving orders to Zenas. The room was deathly cold, and seeing that Ammi shook, Zenas Nahum shouted to bring in more firewood. Wood, in fact, was sorely needed, as the cavernous home was off and empty, and the chimney wind seeping down was ice cream. Suddenly, Nahum asked if the wood he had brought his son made him feel more comfortable, and Ammi then realized what had happened. Finally, the farmer's mind had ceased to resist the intense pressure of events. Questioning
discreetly to your neighbor, Ammi failed to clarify what had happened to Zenas. "In the well ... living in the well ...", was all that his father said. Then
the visitor suddenly recalled his wife crazy and changed the subject. "Nabby? Is here, of course ...", was the surprised response of poor Nahum, and Ammi soon realize that I must investigate for himself. Leaving the harmless farmer in his cot, took the keys that were hanging behind the door and up the creaky steps to the attic. The top of the house was completely silent and did not hear any noise in any direction. Of the four doors in sight, only one was closed, and she tried several keys Ammi bunch had caught. On the third attempt the lock turned, and pushed Ammi white door.
Inside the room was completely dark, because the window was very small and was partially covered by iron bars, and Ammi could not see anything. The air was very stale, and before he had to move into another room and filled the lungs of breathable air. When he saw something dark come into a corner, and the closer could not help a cry of horror. Shouting believed that a momentary cloud had covered the dim light shining through the window, and a second later he was grazed by a horrible vapor stream. Strange colors danced before his eyes, and if the horror she experienced at that time would not have prevented coordinate their ideas would have remembered the globule geologist's hammer had smashed inside the meteorite, and unhealthy vegetation grown in the spring speech. But in the state it was, could only think of the horrible monstrosity before him, and undoubtedly had shared the unknown fate of young Thaddeus and the livestock. But the most terrible of all was that horror that slowly and visibly moved as he continued to crumble.
Ammi gave me no details of the scene, but the way the corner did not reappear in his account as a movable object. There are things that can not be mentioned, and what you do for humanity is sometimes cruelly judged by the law. I realized that in that attic room was not anything that moved, and not leave anything capable of moving there must be something horrible and can lead to eternal torment. Whoever, not being a stolid farmer would have fainted or gone mad, but Ammi recrossed the threshold of the door painted white and locked the dreadful secret behind it. Now Nahum should address, it had to be fed and cared for, and transferred to a place where they could care.
When started down the dark staircase, he heard a noise Ammi below it. Even he thought he heard a scream, and recalled nervously the vapor stream that he had touched while he was in the attic room. Oppressed by a vague fear, he heard more noises below him. Undoubtedly they were dragging something heavy, while a sound was heard even more unpleasant, as it would produce a strong suction. Feeling increase their terror, he thought he had seen in the attic. Good grief! What fantasy world of nightmare had penetrated? He dared not move forward or to retreat, and stood shivering in the dark corner of the landing of the stairs. Every detail of the scene broke out again in his brain.
Suddenly there was a frantic whinny uttered by Ammi's horse, followed immediately by the sound of helmets that talk of a hasty flight. After a moment, horse and buggy were out of earshot, leaving the frightened Ammi, still in the dark staircase, the task of guessing what he could have driven away so suddenly. But that's not all. There was another noise outside the house. A kind of splash in the water ... it must have been in the well. Ammi had left Hero unleashed by the well, and some animal had to get between their legs, frightening, and after dropping in the well. And the house was glowing with a pale phosphorescence. My God! How old was the house! Most of it built before 1670, and later Dutch roof 1730.
At that moment they heard the sound of something crawling on the floor downstairs, and Ammi gripped hard on the stick that had caught in the attic with no purpose. Trying to control his nerves, he finished his descent and went to the kitchen. But it did not, because what I wanted was no longer there. Had gone to meet him, and to some extent was still alive. If he had crawled or been dragged by external forces, is something which Ammi could not say, but death had taken part in it. Everything had happened during the last half hour, but the process of disintegration was well advanced. There was a horrible fragility due to brittleness of the material, and the body fell off dry fragments. Ammi could not touch him, simply watching in horror the twisted caricature of what had been a face. "What happened, Nahum ... what happened?" He whispered, and cracked and swollen lips were barely able to breathe a final answer.
"Nothing ... nothing ..., the burning color ... ... in cold and wet, but burns ...; lives in the well ... I've seen ... a kind of smoke ... Like the spring flowers ...; the well shines at night ... Thad was, and Merwin, Zenas and ... ... all living things, sucks the life of all things ..., in the stone had to get the stone ..., the crushed .. ., was the same color ... it, like flowers and plants ..., there must be more ..., grew ... I've seen this week ... and he had to give strong Zenas ... it was a tough guy, full of life ..., it strikes one's mind and then jacked ...; burns much ...; in well water ... they can not out of there ... drown ... It has also led to Zenas ..., you were right ..., the water is haunted ... How is Nabby, Ammi? ... My head does not work ... I do not know how long I have not gone food ...; the thing attacked her too ..., the color ... and his face has the same color at night .. ., and burning and color sucks but comes from a place where things are not like here ... and one of the teachers told ...; was right, look, Ammi, is more ... sipping, sipping life ... "
But that was it. The thing that he had spoken could not speak because he had shrunk completely. Ammi covered it with a tablecloth and white checkered red and left the house through the back door. He climbed the slope leading to the highlands and returned home by way of the North and forests. Could not pass by the well from which his horse had fled. Looked into the well through a window and remembered that he had heard the splash ... splash of something that had been submerged in the well after what he had done with the unfortunate Nahum ...
When he got home he found the horse and buggy had preceded him, his wife waited full of anxiety. After reassurance, without explanation, he went to Arkham and notified the authorities that the Gardner family was no more. He did not elaborate, just talk about the deaths of Nahum and Nabby, the Thaddeus was known, and said the cause of death appeared to be the same rare disease that had attacked livestock. He also said that Merwin and Zenas had disappeared. At police headquarters he was questioned extensively, and eventually was forced to accompany the three officers to the Gardner farm, together with the prosecutor, the coroner and the vet who had cared for sick animals. Ammi was with them very reluctantly, as the afternoon was well advanced and feared me holding the night in that accursed place, but it was a comfort to know that he would be accompanied by many men.
Six men got into a car, following the carriage of Ammi, and came to the farm about four. Although the agents were accustomed to witnessing horrific events, all shuddered at the sight of what was found under the cloth of red and white, and the attic room. The appearance of the farm, with its gray desolation was terrible enough already, but those two objects twisted horror beyond all measure. No one could look beyond a couple of seconds, and even the medical examiner admitted that there was very little to discuss. Some samples could be analyzed, of course, so he took charge of agencies ... and apparently those samples led to the most intractable puzzle that never faced the University laboratory. Under the spectroscope, the samples revealed an unknown spectrum, many of which bands were the same as those that had revealed the strange meteor to be analyzed. The property of emitting this spectrum vanished in a month, and the dust consisted mainly of alkaline phosphates and carbonates. Ammi
they had not spoken well have known they were going to act immediately. Was approaching sunset and was eager to leave the area. But he could not avoid direct nervous glances at the well, which was observed by one of the police, who questioned him. Ammi admitted that Nahum had feared something was hidden in the well ... until that point had not dared to check whether Merwin and Zenas had fallen into. The police decided to empty the well and explore it immediately, so that Ammi had to wait, trembling, while the well was empty bucket by bucket. The water stank of unbearably, and men had to cover their noses with their handkerchiefs to finish the task. Fortunately, the work was not as long as they believed, as the water level was surprisingly low. No need to talk with too many details of what they found. Merwin and Zenas were both there, but their remains were mostly skeletal. There was also a little lamb and a large dog in the same state of decomposition, approximately, and a quantity of bones of smaller animals. The silt from the bottom seemed inexplicably porous and bubbling, and a man who got tied to a rope and equipped with a long pole found that could plunge the pole into the mud along its entire length without encountering any obstacle.
The night was casting over and entered the house looking for lamps. Then, when they saw they could not get anything more from the well, re-entered the house and conferred with the former living room while the intermittent light of a spectral half moon lit up at intervals outside the gray desolation. The men were frankly baffled by this case and could not find any convincing evidence that related the strange conditions of the plants, the unknown disease of cattle and people, and the inexplicable deaths of Merwin and Zenas in the well. They had heard the comments and gossip of the people, of course, but could not believe that something had happened contrary to natural law. It was evident that the meteor had poisoned the soil but the disease of people and animals that had not eaten anything grown in that soil was another matter. Was well water? Possibly. It would be bad idea testing. But why singular madness had driven the boys to the well? Had acted in a very similar ... and their remains showed that the two had suffered death because of brittle and gray. Why everything turned gray and brittle?
The prosecutor, sitting beside a window overlooking the courtyard, was the first to realize the phosphorescence was around well. The night had fallen at all, and the land surrounding the farm seemed to glow faintly with a brightness that was not the rays of the moon, but this new phosphorescence was something definite and distinct, and seemed to come from black hole the clarity of a lighthouse off, reflected in the small buffer pools that the water drained from the pit had formed in the ground. The phosphorescence was a very rare color, and while all the men came to the window to watch the phenomenon, Ammi launched a violent exclamation. The color of this ghostly phosphorescence was familiar. I had seen before, and was filled with fear of what it meant. I had seen in that hideous globule crisp for two summers, he had seen in the vegetation during the spring, and had believed him for a moment that morning against the small barred window of the horrible room attic where things had happened that they had no explanation. Had stood there for about a second, and a hideous steam power had touched ... and then poor Nahum speech was carried by some of that color. Nahum had said at the end ... had said it was like the globule and the plants. After the leak had occurred in the yard and splash in the well ... and now that well was planning a night a pale insidious evil reflection of the same color.
A proof of the mental alertness of Ammi is that in that moment of supreme tension was intrigued by something that was primarily scientific. He wondered how could get the same impression of a steam power sliding in broad daylight by a window on the morning sky, and projecting a glow against the black night and barren landscape. It was not logical ... it was unnatural ... And then he remembered the last words uttered by his unhappy friend: "It comes from a place where things are not like here ..., one teacher said ..."
The three horses that were outside the house, tied to trees along the road, were now neighing and kicking wildly. The truck driver went to the door to see what was happening, but Ammi put a hand on his shoulder.
-not leave you, "she whispered. We do not know what happens out there. Nahum said the well lived life something that sucked. He said it was something that had emerged from a round ball like we saw in the meteorite that fell here over a year. He said he burned and sipped, and was a color tag and the phosphorescence from the well now, and nobody can know what it is. Nahum believed that fed all life, and claimed he had seen last week. It must be something out of the blue, like the meteorite, as said teachers at the university. Their shape and their actions have nothing to do with the world God. It's something that comes from beyond.
So the man stopped, undecided, while exiting the pit phosphorescence became more intense and coceaban and neighing horses with increasing frenzy. It was really a terrible moment, with the monstrous remains of four people-two in the same house and two in the well-known and iridescence that emerged from the muddy depths. Ammi had closed to the driver of the car driven by a sudden impulse, forgetting that he himself had not gone through anything after being touched by this horrible column of steam in the attic room, but did not regret having done so. Nobody could know what was outside that night, no one could know the nature of the dangers that could haunt a man faced with a completely unknown threat.
Suddenly, one of the policemen who stood at the window uttered an exclamation. The others stared at him, then followed the direction of the eyes of his companion. There was no need for words. What was discussed at the talk of the peasants could no longer be discussed in later because there were six witnesses than half a dozen men who, by the nature of their professions, but did not believe what they saw with their own eyes. Above all it is necessary to state that at that hour of the night no wind blowing. Shortly after it began to blow, but at the time the air was completely still. And yet, in the midst of tense and absolute quiet, the trees in the yard were moving. Morbid moved spasmodically, shaking their bare branches, epileptic seizures and shock, into the clouds bathed in moonlight; helplessly clawing the air motionless, as if pushed by a mysterious underground force that ascend from below the black roots .
For about a few seconds all the men gathered at the Gardner farm contained breath. Then a cloud darker than the others watched the moon and the silhouette of the rough branches temporarily dissipated. At that moment a cry of horror escaped from every throat, and that the horror had not faded with the silhouette, and a dreadful time of deepest darkness men were writhing in the top of the tallest trees a thousand of tiny phosphor dots, shining like the St. Elmo's Fire or the tongues of fire that descended on the heads of the Apostles at Pentecost. It was a monstrous constellation of supernatural light, like a swarm of fireflies dancing a hellish necrophagous sarabande on a swamp damn, and its color was the same as Ammi had come to recognize and fear. Meanwhile, the phosphorescence of the well was getting brighter, instilling in the men gathered at the farm a sense of abnormality that nullified any image their conscious mind could be. No longer shone, was pouring out. And while the current report of indescribable color left the well, seemed to float directly into the sky.
The vet was shocked and went to the door to take the double bar. Ammi was also very impressed and had to be limited to point hand, lack of voice, when he wanted to draw the attention of others about the increasing luminosity of the trees. The neighing of the horses had become frightening, but not one of those men had ventured out for the world. The brightness of the trees grew, while his restless limbs seemed to stretch more and more towards the vertical. Suddenly there was an intense shock on the road, and when Ammi looked up the lamp to project a little more clarity to the outside, showed that the frenzied horses had broken his bonds and fled wildly to the car.
printing served to loosen several languages \u200b\u200band anxious whispers were exchanged.
"It covers all organic things around here," muttered the medical examiner.
No one answered, but the man who had fallen into the pit ventured the opinion that the pole must have removed something intangible.
"It was something terrible," he added. There was no substance whatsoever. Only mud, bubbles, and the sense of something hidden underneath ...
Ammi's horse still desperately kicking and neighing in the outer path and almost drowned out the faint sound of his master's voice as he murmured his disjointed thoughts.
-Salió de aquella piedra..., fue creciendo y alimentándose de todas las cosas vivas...; se alimentaba de ellas, alma y cuerpo... Thad y Merwin, Zenas y Nabby... Nahum fue el último... Todos bebieron agua del... Se apoderó de ellos... Llegó del más allá, donde las cosas no son como aquí..., y ahora regresa al lugar de donde procede...
En aquel momento, mientras la columna de desconocido color brillaba con repentina intensidad y empezaba a entrelazase, con fantásticas sugerencias de forma que cada uno de los espectadores describió más tarde de un modo distinto, el desdichado Hello profirió un aullido que ningún hombre había oído nunca salir de la garganta de un caballo. All who were in the house and stopped their ears, and Ammi turned away from the window in horror. When he looked again to the outside, the poor creature lay lifeless on the ground, bathed in moonlight among the splintered poles of the carriage. And there he stayed until he was buried the next day. But this did not allow the time delivered to regret, since almost the very moment one of the policemen were quietly called attention to something terrible was happening inside the room where they were. Which did not reach the light of the lamp could be a weak phosphorescence had begun to invade the whole stay. Shone on the floor tables and the threadbare carpet, glowing faintly in the small window frames. He ran back and forth, filling doors and furniture. Every moment became more intense, and eventually it became clear that living things must leave the house immediately.
Ammi showed them the back door and the road leading to the highlands. They walked unsteadily, like a sleepwalker, and dared not look back until they reached the North Road. None of them had dared to go down the road that ran along the well ... When they looked back toward the valley and the distant farm Gardner, beheld a horrible sight. All farm shone the fearful and unknown color, trees, buildings and even the grass had not yet been transformed into brittle and gray. The branches were all extended to the sky, topped with tongues of fire, and radiant drops of the same monstrous fire burned up the house, barn and sheds. It was a scene of a vision of Fusell, and above all the rest reigned that binge amorphism light, this strange mysterious rainbow ... poison the well, boiling, jumping, popping and bubbling in its cosmic viciously and unrecognizable chromaticism.
Then suddenly, the horrible thing came out fired vertically the sky like a rocket or a meteor, leaving no trace behind it and disappearing through a round and curiously symmetrical hole in the clouds, before that no man could express his astonishment. No viewer could ever forget the spectacle, and Ammi stared stupidly had followed the path that color to mix with the stars of the Milky Way. But his gaze was drawn immediately to the ground by the crash that had just occurred in the valley. It had been a crash, and not an explosion, as some of the components of the group. But the result was the same, because in a kaleidoscopic moment the farm and its surroundings seemed to burst, sending a cloud at the zenith of colored and fantastic pieces. The fragments were vanished into thin air, leaving a cloud of steam after a second was gone too. The astonished spectators decided not worth the wait to go back to the moon to test the effects of that upheaval on the farm of Nahum.
Too scared to even venture a theory, the seven men returned to Arkham by the Northern Road. Ammi was worse than their peers and begged them to accompany him to his house instead of going directly to the people. Not for anything would have crossed the forest only to that at night. I was more scared than others because he had suffered an impression that the others were saved, and felt oppressed by a fear which for many years no one dared to mention. While the rest of the spectators on that tempestuous hill had stolidly turned their faces to the road, Ammi had looked back for a moment to contemplate the dark valley of desolation that had come so often. He had seen something that rose weakly to sink back into the place from which the report was out horror skyward. It was just a color ... but it was no color of our earth or heaven. And because Ammi recognized that color, and knew that his past remains weak and should remain hidden in the well, has never been entirely sane since. Ammi
not approach that place for the world. For forty-four years that followed the events just tell, but Ammi has not returned to tread these lands and will soon be glad to know that buried beneath the waters. I too am glad the idea because I did not like to see how the color changed to reflect sunlight in that abandoned well. I hope the water will always be very deep, but even if it is never drink. I do not think back to the region of Arkham. Three of men who had been with Ammi returned the next day to see the ruins in the light of day, but had not really ruined. Only the bricks of the chimney, the stones of the cellar, some mineral and metal debris, and the rim of this heinous well. With the exception of horse Ammi, who was buried that morning, and the carriage, which soon returned to its owner, all the things that life had disappeared. There were only five acres of desert dusty and gray, and since then has grown in those areas or a blade of grass. Currently appears as a large food stain by acid in the middle of the woods and fields, and few have dared to come out there despite the rural legends have given the name "cursed wasteland."
rural legends are very strange. And could be even more strange if men of the city and university chemists have enough interest to analyze the water from that well forgotten, or the gray dust that no wind seems to disperse. The botanical may also consider the amazing flora that grows on the borders of those lands, and which thus could confirm or refute what people are saying: that the poisoned area is spreading little by little, maybe an inch a year ... People say the color of the grass that grows in those surroundings is not the rightful and rare wild animals leave tracks in the snow when winter comes. The snow does not seem to jell in the wasteland damn well as elsewhere. The horses, the few remaining at this time, they get nervous power in the quiet valley, and hunters can not get close to his dogs to nearby wasteland cursed.
They also say the mental influences are very bad, and that all who have tried to settle there, the vast majority of foreigners have had to leave harassed by strange fantasies and dreams. No traveler is no longer experience a sense of strangeness in those deep ravines, and artists as they paint a forest tremble whose mystery is both the mind and the eye. And I myself am surprised at the feeling that gave me my only places solitary walk before Ammi told me his story.
not ask me my opinion. I do not know: that's all. The only person who could be questioned about the strange days is Ammi, as people of Arkham not talk about this issue, and the three professors who saw the meteorite and its colored globule are dead. Were there other blood? Probably. One of them managed to feed and escape, while another does not been able to eat enough and still in the pot ... Farmers say the area is widened an inch poisoned each year, so perhaps there is some kind of growth or power even now. But whatever it is whatever is there has to be stuck for something, because otherwise would spread quickly. Are you tied to the roots of those trees that claw the air?
Whatever it is, only God knows. In terms of matter, I guess the thing that Ammi described can be called a gas, but this gas was due to laws that are not of our cosmos. Was not the result of planets and suns that shine in telescopios y en las placas fotográficas de nuestros observatorios. No era ningún soplo de los cielos cuyos movimientos y dimensiones miden nuestros astrónomos o consideran demasiado vastos para ser medidos. No era más que un color surgido del espacio..., un pavoroso mensajero de unos reinos del infinito situados más allá de la Naturaleza que nosotros conocemos; de unos reinos cuya simple existencia aturde el cerebro con las inmensas posibilidades extracósmicas que ofrece a nuestra imaginación.
Dudo mucho de que Ammi me mintiera de un modo consciente, y no creo que su historia sea el relato de una mente desquiciada, como supone la gente de la ciudad. Algo terrible llegó a las colinas y valles con aquel meteor, and something terrible, but I do not know to what extent is still there. I am glad to think that all those lands will be inundated by floodwaters. Meanwhile, I hope nothing happens to Ammi. He saw much of the thing ... and his influence was so insidious ... Why has not been able to go to live elsewhere? Ammi is a very nice old man and very good person, and when the brigade of workers start their work I have to write the chief engineer for not preserved. I hate to remember it as a gray, twisted, brittle monstrosity which increasingly disturbs my sleep. FIN
1. Erial: Said of the land or uncultivated field or farm. Synonyms: desert, wasteland, uncultivated land.
2. Saxifrage: herbaceous plant that grows between the stones, used as an ornamental.