Thursday, May 12, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Cartoon Clips On Fire Drill
Chance: The formidable rivals of the Incas. Chancas: the formidable rivals of the Incas. Jomayra Paredes Zapata, Erika Paredes Alcantara, Percy Zapata Mendo, Junior Torres Zapata.
Chancas: The formidable rivals of the Incas
Chancas: the formidable rivals of the Incas
When describing to Chancas , until now, no need to differentiate between two ethnic groups with well pronounced features: the Hanan Chancas or later called as "kingdom of Park" war with the Cusco Quechua and, secondly, to Uran Chancas who voluntarily surrendered to the Cusco Quechua so were not destroyed or subjected to forced land transfers (mitmakuna). About Hanan Chankas not important theoretical contributions have been made despite being the remains of villages and epigonal Wari ceramics and their own rudimentary tools, this is an area that should be considered better. The Hanan chancas were a people who inhabited the region in the departments of [[Department of Ayacucho Peru . Said to have originated (pacarina) in the lagoons of Choclococha twinned by "Choclopus" or "chocorvos" colonial and Urcococha , both in the Huancavelica department . Its original territory was situated between the rivers "Ancoyaco" (current Mantaro), Pampas and Pachachaca, tributaries of the Apurimac. When expanded, made the area "Ancoyaco ayllukuna" with its headquarters in "Paucará" and Uran Chancas of Andahuaylas based secondary. developed an autonomous culture and had a variant language of puquina . Its capital was Waman Karpa ("house of hawk "), on the banks of the lagoon
Anori, 35 km of Andahuaylas on the banks of the river Pampas. The initiator of the expansion of Uscovilca called Chance, and mummy was preserved with veneration in Waman Karpa until the time of the Incas . Source According to several myths were Uscovilca founders (founder of Uran chanca) and Ancovilca (founder of Hananmarca or Hanan Chanka). [ 1 ] The error incurred to date was that Chanka Hanan ethnicity was confounded with the Uran Chankas and that the latter were joined to Pocorosa Pacora or non-existent entity calling a "confederation pocra-chance. "
For some archaeologists, chanca society implied a decline, from the urban point of view, compared with culture Huari . Its wider settlement pattern would have been to small villages (about 100 houses). Other scholars believe, however, that the Chanca came to have some great people. The burials are of two types: some in mausoleums and others simply on the ground. There are also burials made in caves or rock shelters. were not rivals of the
Incas as they Sometta peacefully to Cusco Quechua prejudicing their "big brothers" the Chancha Hanan Park or, for that Soras and rucana and clearly people were brave warriors. Were characterized by
farmers . They had the feline deity and used to paint their faces, shouting in the fighting and lead to mummy
his grandparents on their shoulders. The chancas remained cohesive and able to develop a major regional lordship had its heyday during the XIII century . The Chancas in combat Inca According supposed sources that tell about the Culture Chanca, the chances were very bloody Hanan at the time of fighting, when were captured by enemy prisoner of war. We did cruel things to show the enemy that they should not mess with them, they would do things like scalping, or while still alive prisoners tore the skin, head hung so that the blood is concentrated in the upper body and small cuts were made in front of the toes, that's where they began to tear the skin gradually, while the prisoner was screaming in terror. Another way to intimidate the enemy was making cups made from the skulls of prisoners where they drank the blood of the enemy. Apogee The peak expansion of Chance occurred between 1200
1438 . In the past year were submitted by the
Sapa Inca
Pachacútec after a tough battle in the city of Cusco risked being captured by the apurimeños . According to some traditions Incas , the Uran chancas have been conquered much earlier circa 1230 when The Sapa Inca Mayta Capac and military crossed the Apurimac River, formerly called Capac Mayu ("main river"), by wonderful bridge pendant. The Inca Garcilaso de la Vega ( 1605 ) attributed to Capac Yupanqui a similar feat a hundred years later. However, the most heavily researched version sets its defeat and subsequent submission by the army commanded by Inca Pachacutec Cusco Site was in 1438 the alleged leader Hanan chanca "Anccu Hualloc" so the people are mythologizes or Ancoyaco ayllus "(also called Anco Huayllu or Hancoallo) brought 40,000 men of war and began the conquest of Cusco. Advanced victoriously to surround the city. The Inca Viracocha, and many characters of the nobility fled towards the Collasuyo and despair ensued until a prince
Cusi Yupanqui
(later proclaimed Pachacutec) bravely led the resistance. While I could gather allies, offered peace to the besiegers, but they refused. A bloody battle was fought in Yawarpampa ( field blood "), won by providentially Cusco by the timely arrival of friendly forces. This hard-fought victory has become legend in the story that includes the reporter Indian Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yampa Salcamaygua ( 1613 ) states that the battle would be lost if the soldiers came to life miraculously pururaucas stone, stones disguised as soldiers to deceive Chancas. According to the victors, were killed and 8,000 Yawarpampa chancas 22,000 Cusco. Anccu Hualloc was wounded and captured. The Hanan chancas were persecuted to Antahualla (Apurimac). defense leader took office in Cusco than sovereign and founded a new dynasty. According to Royal Commentaries of the Incas of Garcilaso de la Vega, Inca old fugitive was Yawar Huacac and the prince who assumed the defense of Cuzco, his son Topa Hatun, named after Viracocha . According
Juan de Betanzos
( 1551 ), the fugitive was the old Inca Viracocha and not just him but his successor (and brother of Cusi Yupanqui) Inca Urco , fled from its responsibility El Salvador being the prince Cusi Yupanqui , later called Pachacútec . This is the most accepted version, which coincides with the chronicle of Miguel Cabello de Balboa ( 1583 ) and the most refined chronologies. Other reviews, including that of Bernabé Cobo ( 1653 ). Mention a second offense occurred shortly after chancas also led Huayco Anccu against Pachacutec. The imprisoned leader not only managed to escape, brought 8,000 fighters in Challcumarca and Suramarca Chancas and war resumed, this time to regain the lost territories. Finding himself outnumbered forces, chose to escape towards jungle "a region of large gaps", and lakes, following the Urubamba River. Organization In any case, Andahuaylas Chankas were close relatives of the other tribes inhabiting the province of Ayacucho, and as a nation were strengthened after the decline of the expansion Huari . According to Sarmiento de Gamboa, the territory Chanca was divided into three installments, known as Hanan chanca (Parkes, Ayllus of Ancoyaco), urin chanca (Uranmarca, Andahuaylas) and villca or Rukan (Vilcas). Chanka nation would have been built by the tribes of Ancoyaco, Andahuaylas, rucana and soras.
geographic relations According to the Indian, the rucana were divided into three installments, hanan rucana, hurin rucana and rucana Andamarca. For the anthropologist Victor Navarro del Aguila, rucana comes rukak or lukak, ie shipper, carrier, and the tribute he gave the province at the time of the Inca empire was precisely to be porters of the royal litter. They wore a distinctive white and red in the head.
The third important province of the Chanca was that of the Soras, whose house was the Aymara language. The Soras were divided into three installments, hanan Soras, hurin soras and Chalco. They worshiped a snowy mountain called Carhuarazo, but were subject to constant wars Chancas kept with them. Economy The Chancas Uran economy was largely based on farming. They grew various plants of the Andes, for various ecological, to what amounted to the raising and grazing llamas, vicuna, alpaca, guanacos, in herds of considerable size, which were managed from towns with special facilities to control and feed in both wool and meat provided. Ceramics
is generally flat, rough surface and sometimes a very diluido.La red slip decoration in relief, with application buttons or clay figurines, supplemented with incised or stamped circular. The forms are very open dishes and jugs with narrow necks, faces sometimes show very crudely made.
The land was located Culture Chanka, was an ideal location from which dominated the territory and could quite easily develop defensive actions, and that location is in relation to immediate water sources, the advantage to maximize the resources offered by the earth, and that the presence of various ecological zones which allowed the variety of resources that could be counted in terms of growing crops and raising animals. Flag Damian says: "All towns in between high and low earth cooler than hot, at heights and slopes because of the rains, which enjoyed both ends of the cold earth, to feed domestic cattle, those who have and hunt the wild, and hot, for sires, at the time. The people are not over water and land under the site and many of them could not live more than ten Indians who live, for lack of water and earth. " (D. Banner 1557). Damian himself informs us that among these people had three offices of importance: - The potters or potters. - The silversmiths and metal workers. and - The carpenters These trades come last to the times of the colony.
His remains most impressive is "Inca raqay" studied by Martha Anders, on the banks of Mantaro north of Huanta, the Uran Chancas Sondor highlight the strength of the Centre Curamba Metallurgical, and the Inti Huatana in Uranmarca, strategically located in the most beautiful parts of the province of
. Also in every district there are a variety of remains which are the legacy of the Wari culture Pacora Chanka and Inka. However there information about their history
warrior and their leaders, the remains
identified as chancas not allow for an accurate profile of the life and customs of this people. Both Huamancarpa (about Andahuaylas ) as Carahuasi and Rumihuasi (about Abancay ), still require further investigation. References ↑ Purizaga Vega, Medardo. "THE Pocra chiefdom." The Pocras and Inca Empire. 1967. pp. 34. ISBN . " Betanzoz Uscovilca talks, who for most of the chroniclers was the founder of the nation in its bias Hanan Chanca ."
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Registar Used Boat In Ontario
Fry as my grandmother
is one of my favorites, yes, if I prepare my grandmother. This has been one of my attempts to imitate it but ... there is no way to get it. To me that grandmothers have something special in the hands that makes everything we know much better, surely the affection with which things are done. I know this is also often true of mothers, but the mine has a very serious allergy to the kitchen and if you come to my house that takes the tupperware with food she is. To compensate for my brother and I have gone as stoves as Grandma.
* EDIT: Thanks to Wivith comment I realized I had left the green pepper and entries I make half asleep and can not be.
is one of my favorites, yes, if I prepare my grandmother. This has been one of my attempts to imitate it but ... there is no way to get it. To me that grandmothers have something special in the hands that makes everything we know much better, surely the affection with which things are done. I know this is also often true of mothers, but the mine has a very serious allergy to the kitchen and if you come to my house that takes the tupperware with food she is. To compensate for my brother and I have gone as stoves as Grandma.
- 1 potato
- 1 zucchini
- 1 onion
- 2 green peppers
- 1 tomato
- Marinated Tuna
- Ketchup
- olive oil
- Sal
Peel the wash potato and zucchini. Therefore thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpotato and onion and zucchini. Pelaremos the tomato and cut it into cubes. Seed will wash and clean and green peppers to cut off thin slices.
in a pan with olive oil will soften the onion, potato and green pepper, they are almost done add the zucchini and tomatoes, and salaremos to taste.
Then add the tomato sauce, if better home but I must say that my grandmother used much sauce brand tomato leaves in March and wonderful. We will take a turn and finally incorporate the tuna marinade.
Recipe quick, healthy and, in my case, it serves as a complete meal.
* EDIT: Thanks to Wivith comment I realized I had left the green pepper and entries I make half asleep and can not be.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Flat Feetice Skates Pain
The Photos of Tia Vero Escape 8
Another image of the area of \u200b\u200bSlaughter sent by Aunt Veronica.
Monday, May 2, 2011
What Does R On Pokemon Mean
Maksy MC-Delirium Rapmens (2011)
Emeakasy (Maksy MC) presents his first job as Beat Maker / Prod. and the third in his career titled Delirium Rapmens. This album in its entirety, contains Instrumental / Beat Maker Beat created by the addition of a large amount of work produced by the same. This album has the participation of MC's as:

-Israel Flores (DJ)
-Daniel East
-Ziclone -Iluminatyc, KooperKaiser and Yoshimannn (Mexico)
also a group Remix theme Jedi Mind Tricks Heavy Metal King.

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Rubbing Cocaine In Gums, Still High?
Theory: Text Script
dialog scripts
1. A dash (-) generally serves to indicate both interventions or parliaments of the characters (dialogue script) as subsections of the narrator. In the first case, the script is stuck to the initial word that begins with the parliament, with the indentation of the first line of paragraph (ie, text "input"). In the second case, is preceded by a space when you start the paragraph, and followed by a space when done (the latter script is used only when the item is within the parliament, when at the end should not be closed: see below, paragraph 1.9). These ten examples collect their most common uses:
"I discovered that I have head and I'm starting to read. [1]
"Oh, thanks. Thank you very much for your words, "murmured Jacqueline. [2]
"We are many family-thirds Agostino, and we all work. [3]
"Sure, eventually," said Charlotte with decision, everything will work out. [4]
- Sophie, come back! Stingo, "he insisted. I have to talk to you now. [5]
- What do you understand that? Stephen snapped. Have you read a verse in your life. [6]
"With what I would have liked to write ... She whispered. Poetry. Test. A good novel. [7]
"This can not continue. The thing has gone too far "He stood up, while looking at his hands. I have to get over, to end this madness. [8]
"This can not continue. The thing has gone too far. She stood up, while looking at his hands. I have to get over, to end this madness. [8 bis]
"Yes, my friend, your courage amazes me," she said with aplomb. And after a brief pause, he added: "I admire your blood really cold. [9]
"I know what you're thinking," said the owner, "in red. All do the same. [10]
us comment briefly, point by point, these examples.
1.1. The simplest case is the first. Note simply that the startup script dialog is stuck to the first floor of parliament. Indicate this would be a mistake:
- I found that I have head and I'm starting to read.
1.2. As seen in the second example, the script is considered superfluous closing, and therefore elimination when the paragraph ends with a subsection of the narrator. Indicate this is incorrect:
"Oh, thanks. thank you very much for your words, "murmured Jacqueline.
1.3. In the third example, note that scripts that contain the clause of the narrator are glued to it, not separate from him, but note that also are attached to the parliament of the character. It would therefore be wrong indicate one of two ways:
"We're a lot of family - interjected Agostino - and we all work.
"We are many family-thirds Agostino, and we all work.
1.4. In the fourth example, the comma comes after the word 'long' should go after the phrase, never before. In other words, do not indicate this:
"Sure, eventually," said Charlotte with decision-all work out.
1.5, 1.6, 1.7. In the examples fifth sixth and seventh can be seen containing a point of closure after paragraph of the narrator, even though the character's parliament before the exclamation point lead paragraph, question or ellipses (signs actually do not have proper closing function .) Therefore, these dialogues should not be indicated as follows:
- Sophie, come back! "Stingo" I insisted to talk to you now.
- What do you understand that? "Snapped Stephen" Do not you read a verse in your life.
"With what I would have liked to write ... Poetry, "she whispered. Test. A good novel.
1.8. In the first variant of the eighth example [8] we see that before the narrator does not figure indent point. This choice can be justified on the grounds that, although paragraph has no direct relationship with the dialogue, it is considered an implicit verb dicendi, like, say, add, ask, insist, mediate, and so on. ('"She said and stood up', '" he said rising, "" she said, and, immediately afterwards, rose, etc.)..
But if you consider that the start has no direct relationship with the previous parliament , dialogue can be arranged as indicated in the example [8 a]. Note, the example we offer then we put a period after "away" and that paragraph the narrator begins with a capital.
"This can not continue. The thing has gone too far. She stood up, while looking at his hands. I have to get over, to end this madness.
In any case, with respect to the script end of paragraph, not to be used to point before the hyphen, as in this example (which is therefore wrong):
can not continue. The thing has gone too far. She stood up, while looking at his hands .- I have to get over, to end this madness.
1.9, 1.10. Also in the ninth and tenth examples there is a marked tendency towards unification in the sense that the colon usually appear after the script that closes the paragraph of the narrator. Under this approach, which also has the virtue of simplicity, "ignores this distinction: in the ninth example, the two items belong in the paragraph of the narrator, while in the tenth parliament are part of the character; It clearly seen if we suppress subsections:
"Yes, my friend, your courage amazes me. Really admire your coolness.
"I know what you're thinking: in the red. All do the same.
2. When the intervention of a character is available in several paragraphs because of its length from the second paragraph does not need to use scripts but only quotes that follow, we must insist on it-they should not close at the end.
"Yes." Because I had raised before. He had not wanted to. The details then acquired a incredible importance. I was stunned to meet again in New York, frankly. I felt like a stranger, as if that was not my city.
"When we arrived at Hammond Hill were all there in the room. And the same anxiety I had felt before was repeated at the time with my brothers and my sister. I never tired of watching them. Also saw them as strange, as if it were my own flesh ...
And remember what I say. You asked me to tell you about it and that's what I'm doing. We met each other and talk to mom and dad, who had organized the meeting as if it were a conference. The only thing missing were cards on the lapels.
2.1. We will also use this type of quotes whenever a dialog displayed within a dialogue, but in this case, after the quotes (which is not close) the script itself should be concerned.
"The story of Arthur and Rachel would even be funny if it were not so tragic. They made one meal a day until he came up with the idea. And I remember perfectly, "Jacques went on to explain the conversation I had:
" "Stop complaining," said he. I know how we can eat.
"- How? She asked, astounded.
"Very simple," he replied. Go to the Maternity and tell them you're pregnant. Give you food and do not ask anything.
"- But I'm not pregnant! She shrieked.
"- what? "He replied. Just a pillow or two. It is our last chance and we can not miss.
Note that the items of the characters whose conversation Jacques van also transcribed scripts, instead of opening and closing quotation marks every time. In these cases, sacrificed standard to superior clarity of exposition, since the risk of confusion is minimal (see Section 3). We believe this provision is simpler than below, made from Latin and English quotation marks, which come to collect no less than three (,"¿):
"" Quit complaining, "he said." I know how we can eat. "
" "How?" she asked, astounded.
And this not to mention questions about whether the point of the first parliament should go before or after the quotation marks, if we wanted to unify the second part of parliament, which end with a quotation mark ("Quit complaining," he said.)
3. In the dialogues, the items that apply to the character who is speaking must be enclosed in parentheses, not among scripts, it could be confused with a subsection of the narrator (the second example shows the wrong way mark):
"That night I dreamed (or so I recall) that you paseabais Teresa and along the lake, confessed restless Miguel.
"That night I dreamed-or so I recall, that Teresa and you ...
4. You may start a dialogue with ellipses and lowercase initial. This occurs when a character picks up a conversation interrupted by the parliament of another character. Note, in the third example, that the dots are glued to the script, and therefore separated from the first word of dialogue ("y"):
"Depends on how you interpret his words," Miss Fischer unsafe -. I mean when a girl can not bring you butter a man without blushing to the ears ...
"I fully understand his embarrassment Rough-cut with Miss Pearl.
-... and when he thanked and then asks if you want a cookie as if he were the family doctor ... I do not know if you know what I mean.
5. It is an unacceptable error use over a work of fiction, quotes the opening and closing, which appear systematically in Anglo-Saxon works, German and often, but not always, in Italian, instead of hyphens. Quotation marks should be reserved for loose dialogues that appear within a long description of the narrator.
5.1. If the use of dashes instead of quotation marks sum was excessive fidelity to the original typeface, the result can be theoretically unjustifiable and contrary to all rules (see the example below, the curious way (wrong) to introduce dicendi verbs that appear in lowercase if they are preceded by point .) The fragment that we offer is taken from the latest English-best, literarily speaking, from the novel by William Faulkner The Sound and the Fury (1987):
"It's too cold." Versh said. "Do not you go out."
"What happens now." Mother said.
"He wants to leave." Versh said.
"Let go." Uncle Maury said.
"It's too cold." Mother said. "It is better to stay inside. Benjamin. Come on. Shut up. "
5.2. Nor should it. Followed the provision that often appear on French works, a curious mixture of quotation marks, commas and hyphens: the first parliament begins with quotation marks are used in subsequent scripts and dialogue generally closed again with quotes:
"n'Ai pas Je te voir send to comme une étrangère.
-Tu aimes mieux ne pas du tout voir me?, insistai-je.
-ce soit Mettons that ça », dit-il séchement.
6. Contrary to what often happens in Anglo-Saxon and Italian works, the dialogues in fiction will usually full stop (except, of course, they are short and go within a paragraph it is preferable not to split, see point 5) . Note-and this rule should be followed seamlessly-that quotes that appear in the original dialogues systematically replaced by hyphens, as already mentioned.
This is the original English:
For herself, Jane wanted to find out diplomatically, before asking straight out, whether the blue suit was here or whether it had gone off too. «I thought I saw John,» she said. «Dashing out of the Post Office. What was he wearing?» «A raincoat,» said Martha. «And that good-looking blue suit?» persisted Jane. «Why, yes, I think so", said Martha. «Yes, he was,» she added, more positively. Jane caught her breath. «How long is he going to he gone?» «Just today,» said Martha. ~He has to see somebody for dinner. He'll be back late tonight. «Oh,» said Jane.
Y ésta la versión castellana:
Jane quería discover diplomacy, without asking directly if the blue suit was there or had disappeared.
"I think I've seen John," he said as he left the post office. What was it he was wearing? [1]
-A waterproof, "said Martha.
- And that beautiful blue suit? 'Said Jane.
"Well, yes, I think so," said Martha, and then said confidently: Yes, I was wearing. [2]
Jane gasped: [3]
- How long will it be?
"Just today," said Martha. You have to have dinner with someone. Arrive tonight, late.
"Oh," replied Jane.
See paragraphs marked with [1], [2] and [3], the freedoms with regard to the score takes the translator (with extensive knowledge, by the way). His version is certainly more fluid than the score is too close to the original English, like this:
"I think I've seen John," he said. As he left the post office.
"Yes, I think so," said Martha. Yes, I had, "he said after safely.
Jane gasped.
Note that in paragraph [1] removed the point and wins sentence fluency, in [2] are unified in a single paragraph of two interventions of Martha, and [3] replaces item end by two points, to clarify the character speaks.
6.1. Except in special cases, the rule of paragraph 6 should be followed strictly when several characters speaking: dialogues put one after another, even with scripts, is confusing and unnecessarily complicated reading. See this example, part of the novel The Group, Mary McCarthy (1966):
Libby put overly thoughtful. Put a finger to his forehead. "I think so," he said, nodding thrice. Do you think really ...? "Began promptly. Lakey flagged down a taxi with his hand. -Kay's cousin left in the shadows, hoping that some of us will provide something better. - Lakey! Dottie muttered, shaking his head reproachfully. "Wow," Lakey said Libby falsetto laugh, "only you can you think of these things.
6.2. The full stop is also often used in cases where paragraph the narrator begins with a verb dicendi and continues after point, with a text of considerable length (for example, a description of the characteristics of the character speaking, a clarification on where the action takes place, or clarification of various kinds). See example:
"It's okay," said Arthur.
was dressed in a shirt and sports shorts and sandals wearing garden. Dressed in this way, the agent even more fascinated with whom he had met in June, the day he rented the house. Arthur, it seemed mysterious and strong. His face was brought to mind salt, wind, foreign women, loneliness and sun.
Source: Free Writing workshop Axxón
dialog scripts
1. A dash (-) generally serves to indicate both interventions or parliaments of the characters (dialogue script) as subsections of the narrator. In the first case, the script is stuck to the initial word that begins with the parliament, with the indentation of the first line of paragraph (ie, text "input"). In the second case, is preceded by a space when you start the paragraph, and followed by a space when done (the latter script is used only when the item is within the parliament, when at the end should not be closed: see below, paragraph 1.9). These ten examples collect their most common uses:
"I discovered that I have head and I'm starting to read. [1]
"Oh, thanks. Thank you very much for your words, "murmured Jacqueline. [2]
"We are many family-thirds Agostino, and we all work. [3]
"Sure, eventually," said Charlotte with decision, everything will work out. [4]
- Sophie, come back! Stingo, "he insisted. I have to talk to you now. [5]
- What do you understand that? Stephen snapped. Have you read a verse in your life. [6]
"With what I would have liked to write ... She whispered. Poetry. Test. A good novel. [7]
"This can not continue. The thing has gone too far "He stood up, while looking at his hands. I have to get over, to end this madness. [8]
"This can not continue. The thing has gone too far. She stood up, while looking at his hands. I have to get over, to end this madness. [8 bis]
"Yes, my friend, your courage amazes me," she said with aplomb. And after a brief pause, he added: "I admire your blood really cold. [9]
"I know what you're thinking," said the owner, "in red. All do the same. [10]
us comment briefly, point by point, these examples.
1.1. The simplest case is the first. Note simply that the startup script dialog is stuck to the first floor of parliament. Indicate this would be a mistake:
- I found that I have head and I'm starting to read.
1.2. As seen in the second example, the script is considered superfluous closing, and therefore elimination when the paragraph ends with a subsection of the narrator. Indicate this is incorrect:
"Oh, thanks. thank you very much for your words, "murmured Jacqueline.
1.3. In the third example, note that scripts that contain the clause of the narrator are glued to it, not separate from him, but note that also are attached to the parliament of the character. It would therefore be wrong indicate one of two ways:
"We're a lot of family - interjected Agostino - and we all work.
"We are many family-thirds Agostino, and we all work.
1.4. In the fourth example, the comma comes after the word 'long' should go after the phrase, never before. In other words, do not indicate this:
"Sure, eventually," said Charlotte with decision-all work out.
1.5, 1.6, 1.7. In the examples fifth sixth and seventh can be seen containing a point of closure after paragraph of the narrator, even though the character's parliament before the exclamation point lead paragraph, question or ellipses (signs actually do not have proper closing function .) Therefore, these dialogues should not be indicated as follows:
- Sophie, come back! "Stingo" I insisted to talk to you now.
- What do you understand that? "Snapped Stephen" Do not you read a verse in your life.
"With what I would have liked to write ... Poetry, "she whispered. Test. A good novel.
1.8. In the first variant of the eighth example [8] we see that before the narrator does not figure indent point. This choice can be justified on the grounds that, although paragraph has no direct relationship with the dialogue, it is considered an implicit verb dicendi, like, say, add, ask, insist, mediate, and so on. ('"She said and stood up', '" he said rising, "" she said, and, immediately afterwards, rose, etc.)..
But if you consider that the start has no direct relationship with the previous parliament , dialogue can be arranged as indicated in the example [8 a]. Note, the example we offer then we put a period after "away" and that paragraph the narrator begins with a capital.
"This can not continue. The thing has gone too far. She stood up, while looking at his hands. I have to get over, to end this madness.
In any case, with respect to the script end of paragraph, not to be used to point before the hyphen, as in this example (which is therefore wrong):
can not continue. The thing has gone too far. She stood up, while looking at his hands .- I have to get over, to end this madness.
1.9, 1.10. Also in the ninth and tenth examples there is a marked tendency towards unification in the sense that the colon usually appear after the script that closes the paragraph of the narrator. Under this approach, which also has the virtue of simplicity, "ignores this distinction: in the ninth example, the two items belong in the paragraph of the narrator, while in the tenth parliament are part of the character; It clearly seen if we suppress subsections:
"Yes, my friend, your courage amazes me. Really admire your coolness.
"I know what you're thinking: in the red. All do the same.
2. When the intervention of a character is available in several paragraphs because of its length from the second paragraph does not need to use scripts but only quotes that follow, we must insist on it-they should not close at the end.
"Yes." Because I had raised before. He had not wanted to. The details then acquired a incredible importance. I was stunned to meet again in New York, frankly. I felt like a stranger, as if that was not my city.
"When we arrived at Hammond Hill were all there in the room. And the same anxiety I had felt before was repeated at the time with my brothers and my sister. I never tired of watching them. Also saw them as strange, as if it were my own flesh ...
And remember what I say. You asked me to tell you about it and that's what I'm doing. We met each other and talk to mom and dad, who had organized the meeting as if it were a conference. The only thing missing were cards on the lapels.
2.1. We will also use this type of quotes whenever a dialog displayed within a dialogue, but in this case, after the quotes (which is not close) the script itself should be concerned.
"The story of Arthur and Rachel would even be funny if it were not so tragic. They made one meal a day until he came up with the idea. And I remember perfectly, "Jacques went on to explain the conversation I had:
" "Stop complaining," said he. I know how we can eat.
"- How? She asked, astounded.
"Very simple," he replied. Go to the Maternity and tell them you're pregnant. Give you food and do not ask anything.
"- But I'm not pregnant! She shrieked.
"- what? "He replied. Just a pillow or two. It is our last chance and we can not miss.
Note that the items of the characters whose conversation Jacques van also transcribed scripts, instead of opening and closing quotation marks every time. In these cases, sacrificed standard to superior clarity of exposition, since the risk of confusion is minimal (see Section 3). We believe this provision is simpler than below, made from Latin and English quotation marks, which come to collect no less than three (,"¿):
"" Quit complaining, "he said." I know how we can eat. "
" "How?" she asked, astounded.
And this not to mention questions about whether the point of the first parliament should go before or after the quotation marks, if we wanted to unify the second part of parliament, which end with a quotation mark ("Quit complaining," he said.)
3. In the dialogues, the items that apply to the character who is speaking must be enclosed in parentheses, not among scripts, it could be confused with a subsection of the narrator (the second example shows the wrong way mark):
"That night I dreamed (or so I recall) that you paseabais Teresa and along the lake, confessed restless Miguel.
"That night I dreamed-or so I recall, that Teresa and you ...
4. You may start a dialogue with ellipses and lowercase initial. This occurs when a character picks up a conversation interrupted by the parliament of another character. Note, in the third example, that the dots are glued to the script, and therefore separated from the first word of dialogue ("y"):
"Depends on how you interpret his words," Miss Fischer unsafe -. I mean when a girl can not bring you butter a man without blushing to the ears ...
"I fully understand his embarrassment Rough-cut with Miss Pearl.
-... and when he thanked and then asks if you want a cookie as if he were the family doctor ... I do not know if you know what I mean.
5. It is an unacceptable error use over a work of fiction, quotes the opening and closing, which appear systematically in Anglo-Saxon works, German and often, but not always, in Italian, instead of hyphens. Quotation marks should be reserved for loose dialogues that appear within a long description of the narrator.
5.1. If the use of dashes instead of quotation marks sum was excessive fidelity to the original typeface, the result can be theoretically unjustifiable and contrary to all rules (see the example below, the curious way (wrong) to introduce dicendi verbs that appear in lowercase if they are preceded by point .) The fragment that we offer is taken from the latest English-best, literarily speaking, from the novel by William Faulkner The Sound and the Fury (1987):
"It's too cold." Versh said. "Do not you go out."
"What happens now." Mother said.
"He wants to leave." Versh said.
"Let go." Uncle Maury said.
"It's too cold." Mother said. "It is better to stay inside. Benjamin. Come on. Shut up. "
5.2. Nor should it. Followed the provision that often appear on French works, a curious mixture of quotation marks, commas and hyphens: the first parliament begins with quotation marks are used in subsequent scripts and dialogue generally closed again with quotes:
"n'Ai pas Je te voir send to comme une étrangère.
-Tu aimes mieux ne pas du tout voir me?, insistai-je.
-ce soit Mettons that ça », dit-il séchement.
6. Contrary to what often happens in Anglo-Saxon and Italian works, the dialogues in fiction will usually full stop (except, of course, they are short and go within a paragraph it is preferable not to split, see point 5) . Note-and this rule should be followed seamlessly-that quotes that appear in the original dialogues systematically replaced by hyphens, as already mentioned.
This is the original English:
For herself, Jane wanted to find out diplomatically, before asking straight out, whether the blue suit was here or whether it had gone off too. «I thought I saw John,» she said. «Dashing out of the Post Office. What was he wearing?» «A raincoat,» said Martha. «And that good-looking blue suit?» persisted Jane. «Why, yes, I think so", said Martha. «Yes, he was,» she added, more positively. Jane caught her breath. «How long is he going to he gone?» «Just today,» said Martha. ~He has to see somebody for dinner. He'll be back late tonight. «Oh,» said Jane.
Y ésta la versión castellana:
Jane quería discover diplomacy, without asking directly if the blue suit was there or had disappeared.
"I think I've seen John," he said as he left the post office. What was it he was wearing? [1]
-A waterproof, "said Martha.
- And that beautiful blue suit? 'Said Jane.
"Well, yes, I think so," said Martha, and then said confidently: Yes, I was wearing. [2]
Jane gasped: [3]
- How long will it be?
"Just today," said Martha. You have to have dinner with someone. Arrive tonight, late.
"Oh," replied Jane.
See paragraphs marked with [1], [2] and [3], the freedoms with regard to the score takes the translator (with extensive knowledge, by the way). His version is certainly more fluid than the score is too close to the original English, like this:
"I think I've seen John," he said. As he left the post office.
"Yes, I think so," said Martha. Yes, I had, "he said after safely.
Jane gasped.
Note that in paragraph [1] removed the point and wins sentence fluency, in [2] are unified in a single paragraph of two interventions of Martha, and [3] replaces item end by two points, to clarify the character speaks.
6.1. Except in special cases, the rule of paragraph 6 should be followed strictly when several characters speaking: dialogues put one after another, even with scripts, is confusing and unnecessarily complicated reading. See this example, part of the novel The Group, Mary McCarthy (1966):
Libby put overly thoughtful. Put a finger to his forehead. "I think so," he said, nodding thrice. Do you think really ...? "Began promptly. Lakey flagged down a taxi with his hand. -Kay's cousin left in the shadows, hoping that some of us will provide something better. - Lakey! Dottie muttered, shaking his head reproachfully. "Wow," Lakey said Libby falsetto laugh, "only you can you think of these things.
6.2. The full stop is also often used in cases where paragraph the narrator begins with a verb dicendi and continues after point, with a text of considerable length (for example, a description of the characteristics of the character speaking, a clarification on where the action takes place, or clarification of various kinds). See example:
"It's okay," said Arthur.
was dressed in a shirt and sports shorts and sandals wearing garden. Dressed in this way, the agent even more fascinated with whom he had met in June, the day he rented the house. Arthur, it seemed mysterious and strong. His face was brought to mind salt, wind, foreign women, loneliness and sun.
Source: Free Writing workshop Axxón
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Does Something Dvr Count As A Rating
On the subject
Anyway I am a mother "drooling" girl who wants to brag about so I leave a little picture with a very recent purchases designed for the summer.
The small house has already served three months, has grown and gained a lot during the last month and is very cheerful and friendly. It is noted that it has eliminated much all that damn milk took caused him. Now he sleeps much better, laugh constantly, and is a gossip of seven.
hospital, and have results. You still have to wear the device that records your heartbeat and breathing but the number of apneas has fallen. Until you have 6 months did not become a cardiologist and you just need a test to see if it is camaraderie at all.
been hard seeing her lie still, seeing that I was so exhausted that he could scarcely breathe. It has also been hard to know you can not do anything against the deceased in the hospital that you only recognize it "off camera." The important thing is that she is fine and will be a matter of forgetting this time.
of the things that surprised me most is how the food looks, I think wants to go for milk and a spoon to start with but you still have two mesecitos. We are squeals and voices but of course ... is too small. Yes charra now the sides and looks at us, we "speaks" and laughs.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
How Many Cigarettes In 12.5g
Face Color + The Cro
Until April 30 is open this sample of Santos and the Cro in the House of Culture of Hurlingham. I was the day they opened and I could find with the artists who exhibited their work.
Santos is a very good artist and the CRO is responsible for bringing the first stencil drawings. Teamwork.
Unlike most people, the Cro (Short for "Croquet") do not use the layering technique to add color to their jobs but "filled" with a brush covering the dividing lines and then reapply the stencil and black spray paths are so perfect. ;
One of my favorites: Dia de los Muertos.
2nd part.
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